This LP has two of the greatest punk songs ever on it. The first being the best opening song to an LP: "Tanaan Kotana". Starting off with a sound clip of one of their old songs at low volume tricks you in to cranking up before the pogo beat (p-beat?) assaults your senses. I defy you not to rock out to this song. If you can't then you have no living blood in your veins. And the second the ending song "Tulevaisuus" being such a great closer. Drunk pogo sing-a-long done better than any British band. Yes this is from Finland which may deter some of you, but this is not noisy discordant thrash with tons of feedback and screams; this is Finnish PUNK ROCK! Melodic with the speed and power of hardcore. Think ANTI-PASTI and THE EXPLOITED, but way better. Seriously.

LAMA were the fathers of Finnish Hardcore evolving from the slow '77 KBD style of the early Finnish punk bands and paving the way for KAAOS, RIISTETYT and APPENDIX. This takes LAMA's orginal sound from the EP's and blends it with the sound of those bands (i.e. "Tavastia") finally arriving at this near perfect LP in 1983. I would actually consider APPENDIX the diet LAMA, so if you listen to APPENDIX prepare to be blown away. This is absolutely essential shit! Download and play loud!
Epe of LAMA a.k.a. Karl of Dromdead.

LAMA live at legendary squat "Lepakko" in Helsinki 1982.
Ian, you blew my mind with the P-Beat thing... Good post.
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