DEAD MOON is one of those bands that the more you find out about them the more you fall in love with them. it was started married couple Fred and Toody cole who have played in many other awesome bands together such as the rats. born in portland, DEAD MOON is the definition of D.I.Y. they record and press all their own vinyl in a studio/music store built from the ground up by Fred. they fucking rule but i really cant explain how awesome they really are. if you get a chance watch the documentary "Unknown Passage" that was made about them. these are just a couple songs that i uploaded, and not an actual album of theirs. i uploaded about 10 of my favorite songs of their, definatly listen to dead moon night, kicked out kicked in and ricochet. if you like what you hear and want more, hit me up and ill send it to you. dead moon has since broken up, but fred and toodys new band, pierced arrow, will be playing this year at CHAOS IN TEJAS festival, im gonna try to make it down there and so should you
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