Im not sure if many of you will like this, but i appreciate it so im posting it regardless. The Birthday party was one of the darker more dramatic and raw post punk bands to come out of the 80's. Nick Cave managed to paint disturbing hellish pictures with the lyrics he spit out for Birthday party, and honestly the first time i heard them i didnt get it, i thought it was a bunch of unguided noise paired with annoying gasps and shrieks. But somehow it grew on me, and now i just see Cave's dark passion in all the chaos. Let me know if you appreciate them as well. My favorite songs are Sonny's Burning, as well as Release the Bats.
Heres a sample:
Sonnys Burning - Birthday Party
Release The Bats - The Birthday Party
If you enjoyed that:
their album entitled "Mutiny (The Bad Seed E.P.)" from 1983. DOWNLOAD HERE

As well as their album "JunkYard" released in 1982. DOWNLOAD HERE
Something for shits and giggles:
oh man, Amanda got a cd of theirs for as a birthday present from this very strange old guy when we were in highschool
AHHHHHHHHHH ^to above comment
he wasn't that old. he was just apparently on heroin?
i love nick cave birthday party is intense
nick cave and i dated
It's one of those records I just keep on my shelf for the cool looking sleeve. It's not that I dont appreciate it though, it's more about the atmosphere, and the statement. I would have loved to see them live. The Bad Seeds are just an entirely different story. It's like his whole career was just leading up to 'The Boatmans Call' which I really think is the best album. It's definitely different than any of the other stuff, he hardly even talks about killing anyone.
hahahaha helen
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