Rest In Peace Mr. Moore, you were one tough son of a bitch.

Alright mothheerr fucckkerss... Here is the most bad ass score, for one of the most bad ass movies ever made. If you have spent many hours watching Dolemite over and over again like I have, then download this for your listening pleasure. I put this album on when I get drunk by myslef. Rudy Ray Moore (R.I.P) is also a fucking hilarious human being, if you get any of his stand up, which isnt to hard to find (This Ain't No White Christmas is a must have). My only complaint about this is that the organ gets a little corny sometimes. This is a generalization, but it kind of reminds me of Booker T and The MG's, but with 10x more FUNK.
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I just realized my favorite thing to read on this blog are the 'labels' at the bottom of each post.
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