I have been looking for this one for ages. If anybody owns/finds a copy, I will buy it from you. This is Mau Maus' last EP, which pissed off their fans so much that the singer left the band out of shame. A complete departure from the UK hardcore punk sound that they had prior to this release, Nowhere To Run exhibits a much more melodic sound. I actually made a Myspace for the four songs featured, one of them never uploaded for some reason, but you can go listen here:
it's going for 20bucks on Music Stack
yo why you gotta be such a drama bitch, why dont you try starting a band, putting in all the money for practice, lugging equipment, getting fucked over by clubs, promoters, record labels, and then put out a record and try to make a little money off it cus god knows your rockstar ass boyfriend will never get around to it. but when it comes down to it, this aint about that, its about why you gotta come around, ask to be on the blog and go straight to hatting when someones just trying to promote vinyl which is what all this music is based off of, im not even a vinyl collector but i can appreciate it and always make a point to buy my friends bands records. you know that aint right
and you ugly
a kiss for the haters my bitch ;-*
my bitch you just got verbally railed
a kiss for the haters
I have it.
I have this record, its an EP pressed on a 12''.
im confused about who's being the drama bitch
Who cares, download music if you wanna. I don't recall uploading any actual tracks though, I wouldn't know the first thing about it. Personally, I get more out of sitting in my room (far away from where the computer is) and putting on any one of my favorite albums, and completely zoning out, gazing at the accompanying liner notes or album sleeve. I also would rather have the experience of hearing something for the first time at a friends house, or on a mixtape in a car, or at a bar/club than mindlessly clicking it off the interweb, I'd rather have real memories and not digital ones. Also nothing beats the feeling of discovery, or wonder that only comes from spending hours digging through crates of garbage to find one absolute gem. Some of my favorite stuff I've picked up for under $5, I have paid alot more for stuff which I guess qualifies me as being a collector, but it's really not about the actual 'collecting' of something. Technology is often looked at in a positive light, but when I see it becoming a substitute for actual human interaction, I think it's really sad, and thats what I'm against the most. The fact is you don't need a computer to live your life, and while this IS the computer generation, it's the generation that has had every chance to give something great to the world, and has so far given nothing. People are valuable, art and music is valuable, computers are not, and should not be let to replace such important things. Zoe is alright.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
.........wow. maybe you all didnt count on the fact that joe and i are actually friends and i was just poking fun at him. we've argued about this very topic several times. i was just trying to incorporate some harmless cynicism into my blog post. soren i'm not being a "drama bitch" i dont know what the fuck is up your butt insulting my boyfriend and i for no reason. gabby, you need not defend joe, i highly doubt i hurt his feelings. but yeah i had no idea a bad joke would cause people so much pain. i'll refrain from posting such controversy in the future. shit.
and thanks mirna.
well who knew you guys were friends? i came into this retarded drama just to say what you wrote was uncalled for if you were in fact being serious, so sorry for assuming wrong- gabby
and yo what the fuck do you know about the truth about moby
i would think that using the phrase "downloading generation" as a reference to myself would immediately make one think that i wasn't being entirely serious but ok. its whatever, no worries i guess
Ever see that episode of Reno 911? "Those of us who were not raised by GRAND THEFT AUTO applaud when we've seen something"
are you talking about downloading Porn? ahahahahaha
Yes, precisely.
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